Monday, May 25, 2009

Powerful Antioxidant

Tomato fresh and powder
Filipino terms: camates

The tomato is known as the richest source of the superphytochemical
lycopene,This powerful antioxidant is up to 10 times more powerful
than even betacarotene. Protects the cells and is a preventative
factor against a particular cause of heart disease by inhibiting the
oxidation of LDL colesterol. Recent studies indicate that lycopene
can decrease the risk of cancer.

Health Benefits

ways to consider tomatoes into your diet has never been a problem.
The tomato is one of the highest degree various fruits out there and makes a tasty addition to almost every meal.
Which may help defend against cancer.

They also obtaining the phytochemical lycopene.
Tomatoes are low in fat and calories, sodium- and cholesterol-free.
A good source of vitamin A, and high in vitamin C.

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